There’s An App For That

Apps…where was our life before we had them? We use them to keep track of our grocery lists, write to-do lists, check the news, follow our favorite sports teams, and of course, stay connected with IMG_0584our friends and families. So, why not use an App to help you stay on track with your health and fitness?

My favorite Apps:

Myfitnesspal – An awesome calorie and activity tracking app thta makes looking up and tracking calories of all kinds of foods from whole foods to restaurant entrees easy. It will calculate the caloric value for your favorite homemade hotdish or cookie. It interfaces with other fitness gadgets like the Fitbit to track activity and consequently adjusts your calorie allotment for the day. With favorites and copying capabilities, this app is super user friendly.

IMG_0581Fitbit – All the information gathered from my Fitbit is gathered in an easy to read Dashboard. With just a push of a button, I know how many steps, flights of stairs, and calories I’ve burned so far in a day. This app also integrates with myfitnesspal and adjusts my calorie requirements for the day based on my movement – kind of
cool! Of course, you need a Fitbit for this app to work (see My Favorite Fitness Gadgets)IMG_0585

21 Day Fix by Beachbody — A fun app that makes it easy to track my portions and water intake. It is much easier than keeping track on paper. And, it has the list of approved foods in the App for quick reference. This one is a no-brainer if you are doing any of the Beachbody programs that use the portion control system in their nutrition plan.

Mapmyfitness — An awesome app for runners, hikers, bikers or walkers. Using GPS, this app tracks your routes, distances, mile splits and time. Even though I use it mostly to walk, it still tells me my splits pushing me to walk just a bit faster if my splits are lagging.

So, just like we use apps to make our days easier, why not use an app to help make fitness easier? Plus, it just might be a bit more fun!

What is your favorite fitness app?

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