Taking Action – Writing Goals that Work

We are just days away from is a new month, New Year and new decade. It is the perfect time to set goals for myself. Taking the time to create an action plan is hard. Schedule some time to set aside all the craziness for a while and think about what your priorities are for the next year. Clear goals (in place of resolutions) help keep you on track and focused. That way, you are more likely to take action.

People who take action are happier people. Successful people have the habit of action and a sense of clarity. The power of our mind is phenomenal. If we set goals and create a plan of action, we can accomplish great things.

Start by writing down your goals – write 1 goal for each of these five areas of your life:

  1. Career and Income
  2. Family and Relationships
  3. Health and Energy
  4. Personal Development
  5. Financial Security

These goals, if accomplished, will improve your satisfaction, performance, or success in your life. These goals need to be something you can control. For example a goal for your spouse, child, or parent doesn’t work.

Things to consider as you are writing goals:

  1. Your goals should mesh with your priorities and are vision oriented.
  2. Goals should be both personal and professional
  3. Your goals need to take you out of your comfort zone
  4. If you get stuck, complete this sentence…“In the next month, it would be awesome if…..”
  5. Write your goals using the 3 Ps’ – Present tense, Positive and Personal.
  6. Include the “why” – it gives you more motivation
  7. Include goals that push you to make personal change

Poor example: I need a to lose weight.

Good example: I am 5 pounds lighter. I feel good about myself and the steps I am making to live a healthier life.

This may take some time. It is ok to work on it for a while, step away and add new goals or make some changes. Be creative. Push yourself.

Next step – creating an action plan.

One thought on “Taking Action – Writing Goals that Work

  • Congrats on finishing a round of 21 Day Fix. I have similar goals. I want to be more accountable with blogging and fitness goals. I am going to start another round of 21 Day Fix this month. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

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