Take Action

goalPlanSuccessLogo-400x266People who take action are happier people. Successful people have the habit of action and a sense of clarity. Your time and your life are precious. Use it wisely.

The power of our mind is phenomenal. If we set goals and create a plan of action, we can accomplish great things.

Have you ever created an action plan? Maybe now is the right time.

First Things First: Write Down Your Goals

Writing long-term goals are important for our overall life plan, but it can be overwhelming. Instead, think of what you would like to accomplish in the next two months. To help create the goals and make sure your life is in balance, try to set 1 goal for each of the following areas:

  1. Career and Income
  2. Family and Relationships
  3. Health and Energy
  4. Financial Security

These goals, if accomplished, will improve your satisfaction, performance, or success in each of these areas. Make sure these goals are something you can control. For example a goal for your husband, girlfriend, parent or child doesn’t work.

Some things to consider as you are writing goals:

  1. Your goals should be something that is important to you.
  2. Goals should be both personal and professional.
  3. Your goals need to take you out of your comfort zone but also be within reach.
  4. If you get stuck, complete this sentence…“In the next 2 months, it would be awesome if…..”
  5. Write your goals using the 3 Ps’ – Present tense, Positive and Personal.
  6. Include the “why” – it gives you more motivation.
  7. Include goals that push you to make personal change.

Poor example: I need to lose weight.

Good example: I weigh XXX, have more energy, and enjoy playing with my kids.

This may take some time. It is ok to work on it for a while, step away and add new goals or make some changes. Be creative. Push yourself.

Come back on later in the week to find out how to turn your goals into an action plan.

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