8 Ways to Keep your Heart Healthy

Being strong is important. Keeping your strongest and most important muscle in our body, your heart, healthy is critical. To keep it healthy and strong, you need to treat it right. 1.    Get your sleep – Shoot for 7 hours each night. Studies show people who get at least 7 hours have healthier arteries. 2.    Watch your pressure — Get your blood […]

It is the Non-Scale Victories that Matter

How many of you step on the scale every morning? How many of you judge the success of your health and fitness journey on what the scale says? Probably most of us. And, I don’t blame you. It is an easy measurement. Many of us have a particular “weight” that we believe is ideal. But […]

How To Get More Done In A Day — 5 Easy Steps

Doesn’t it feel like there is never enough time in a day? Most days, I would just like to clone myself! 🙂 But there is one habit you can adopt that will help you get more done – become a morning person. Yup, that is what I said – become a morning person. I used […]