4 Steps to Getting Back on Track after a Holiday Weekend

Sometimes stuff happens. You’ve had a few excellent days or weeks of sticking to your clean eating or workout commitments and then life happens. Suddenly, all your good intentions have disappeared.  We have all been there. And no matter the reason, you’ve gotten off track of your health and fitness plan. Sometimes an off day is […]

Kicking it to Fitness

If you are looking for me this Fall, I am probably at a soccer game cheering on one of my boys, so it seems fitting that my next group has a bit of a Fall sports theme. I mean, why not? We can score goals, set up plays, make great passes, and celebrate our victories […]

I will start next week…next month…next year…

I will start “next week”, or “next month” or “after the Holidays” ….. Sound familiar? Lots of us have fallen into this kind of thinking with our health and fitness. We know we need to do something, but there are so many temptations and our lives are so busy, we figuratively put making that change “on […]

It’s Never Too Late

The other day, I was driving to the airport listening to a radio station I used to listen to as a teenager. It is now an oldies station. They basically changed their format to match the demographics of their loyal listeners, my generation (45-65 years old). What caught my attention was that every other commercial […]