Need Some Stress Relief?

It’s that time of year….life just gets a bit more crazy — family gatherings, parties, shopping, school programs on top of all our other normal responsibilities. Though it is a fun time of the year, it is also a stressful time of the year. L     And it is so easy to let our good habits […]

So Just How Much Do I Need to Workout Every Week?

In our crazy lives, finding time to workout is difficult. We have good intentions, but just can’t seem to fit it in.  Here is the good news – the time you need to dedicate to working out may be less than you think!   According to the American College of Sports Medicine and the American […]

Go Take A Walk

Summer….a great time to take a walk. I treasure my morning walks. There is just something about being outside and the rhythm of walking that is relaxing and energizing to me. I listen to podcasts or to the birds. Some days it is just the dogs and me; other days, my husband, daughter or friends […]