t25FOCUS T25 is a 10-week program split into 2 cycles—ALPHA and BETA—which each last 5 weeks. Shaun’s pulled out all the rest, so you get everything you need, nothing you don’t. The result is FOCUS T25—

and the name implies the intent: If you focus your intensity for 25 minutes, and you do it 5 days a week, you WILL get results.

Each FOCUS T25 workout is only 25 minutes, so you’ll always have time to GET IT DONE. Whether you’re looking to get started and want a workout that fits your busy schedule, or you’re simply tired of workouts taking up 1.5 to 2 hours of your day, FOCUS T25 is the answer for you. But it won’t be easy. And that’s why you’ll get the best results of your life.

Combining these 25 minute workouts with Shakeology and good nutrition = RESULTS! As a matter of fact, this past year, all of the top Beachbody Challenge winners started with T25 to kick start their fitness journey.

Learn more:  T25

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