So Just How Much Do I Need to Workout Every Week?

In our crazy lives, finding time to workout is difficult. We have good intentions, but just can’t seem to fit it in.  Here is the good news – the time you need to dedicate to working out may be less than you think!
According to the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association, only 2.5 hours a week of moderate intensity exercise is needed.  So, that means only 30 minutes, 5 times a week of activities like brisk walking, jogging, biking, lifting or dancing.  If you are able to hold a conversation with someone next to you, you are in the moderate zone.

Here is some other good news — If you don’t have time to workout 5 days a week, you can do it in 3 days – just make sure your total time spent working out for the week equals 2.5 hours.  
Another option — You can cut the time requirement if you increase your intensity. New evidence has shown that high intensity workouts known as a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) can reduce your required exercise time in half.  So, if you only have 15 minutes to workout, make the most of it.  
With HIIT workouts you  work to the point of being breathless.  Holding a conversation is difficult. HIIT training involves going hard for 30-60 seconds then letting up for 30-60 seconds. You can run hard, then jog. Lift hard, then jog in place. Dance hard, then dance easy.  The key is to alternate intensities but never stop moving.
We all know the benefits of exercise.  It makes you feel better, look better and perform better in all parts of your life. There is irrefutable evidence that exercise reduces our risk for type II diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and inflammatory bowel disease.  There is also evidence that regular exercise will reduce the frequency of some types of cancer including breast, colon, ovarian and endometrial. 
Exercise and good nutrition are the best drugs out there.  They work for everyone who takes them, have no side effects, and are free. Make it a priority. You can find 2.5 hours a week!
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