No Risk No Reward


IMG_2723This past week I really stretched myself. I mean really stretched myself. I took a chance, registered for the Beachbody Summit, made a hotel reservation, booked a plane ticket and took off for Nashville last Thursday by myself!

And it wasn’t easy. I don’t know how many times I thought, “it’s too much money, I’m not in good enough shape, it’s too scary…” But, my husband, Mark, kept encouraging me to go. I am so glad he did.

I am an introvert. So, going into a room of strangers is pretty uncomfortable for me. If you are an introvert, you totally get it.

It was a big risk. I decided to introduce myself to someone at every turn. I found some other Beachbody coaches at my hotel and asked if I could join them. I tried a couple local restaurants and tried some new foods. Now that I “survived”, I am so glad I went. IMG_2664

As I write this, I am reflecting back on other times when I took a risk and it ended up being so much more than I expected. Like when I jumped on a roller coaster after years of being afraid. Was it a life-changing event, no. But it showed me that I could do something that scared me to death and still survive. It gave me a little burst of courage.

Some risks were bigger – opening up my heart after a painful divorce, taking a Dale Carnegie course, and going back to school to get my MBA while working full time and being a mom.

I am so glad I took those risks though. I am now in a healthy, supportive marriage. I am no longer scared to death of public speaking and I now have two jobs I love – teaching at our local College and being a Beachbody coach.

Taking risks are scary. I want to grow my Beachbody business and it is scary. It means I need to make myself more vulnerable and take more chances reaching out to others. It means probably a lot of rejection. But it also means that maybe I will help someone else just like someone helped me. So, I am going to do it!IMG_2670

And on a personal note, in a couple weeks, we are going to a water park. And I am going to make myself go on some crazy water rides and probably even whitewater rafting. Yikes!


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