Make it a Good Morning and then a Good Day

So, you’ve started getting up a little earlier every morning now what?

Whether this change in habits have been easy for you or hard, how you invest in your morning impacts your clarity, energy and focus for the rest of the day. So, if you don’t already have a morning routine that invests in you and your well-being, now is the time to start. 

I’m not talking hours. I’m talking as little as 20 minutes can make the difference. Make it non-negotiable like brushing your teeth. The most successful people build successful daily habits. Those daily habits, like a morning routine, fuel their happiness too.

No matter what you incorporate into your routine, staying away from ANY technology for the first 20 minutes of the morning is key. Your brain and body need time to focus and technology doesn’t help you there.

Here are a few ideas to try.  You can pick and choose what works for you. Just give it a good faith effort for 2 weeks and you will see the difference it will make in your life.

  • Write down your To-Do list (5 minutes)-If I can get my list on paper, I can let it go knowing it is captured and truly be present for the rest of my morning routine.
  • Gratitude (60 seconds) – Write down 3 – 5 things you are grateful for. Try to find something new everyday. Sometimes it can be as simple as having a chair to sit in.
  • Meditate and/or pray (5 minutes) – Starting your day centered and calm, sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you need help, find a meditation app or a daily devotional.
  • Connect with your vision (3 minutes) – This is where you keep your big picture in mind.  Review your goals and visualize what reaching your goals looks and feels like.
  • Move (10 – 30 minutes) – Dance, walk, run, lift, practice yoga….whatever you enjoy. Just move. Movement in the morning helps both your body and your brain. Check out our newest program, Barre Blend – a perfect way to start the day with energy and positivity.
  • Affirmations (2 minutes) – talk to yourself in a encouraging, meaningful manner. Choose affirmations based on what you are working on in your life. If you need some ideas, there are all kinds of examples online.
  • Nourish your body – Eat a healthy breakfast that contains protein, fruit, grains and healthy fats.  Eating breakfast as part of your morning routine makes sure that your mind and body are primed for a successful day!

In time, this routine become part of your day and if you don’t do it, you miss it as much as you would if you didn’t brush your teeth! 

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