Love Yourself — Mind. Body. Soul

It’s time to make you a priority. To be the best parent, spouse, co-worker, friend, you need to take care of yourself first. You are worth 30 minutes a day. You are worth eating healthy. You are worth a little pampering.

My LOVE YOURSELF promotion is simple really. Commit to making yourself a priority by committing to20-30 minute workouts 4-6 days a week, follow a simple nutrition and lean into the group for support. We are talking making a lifestyle change — No starvation, no ridiculous diet; just clean eating and smart workouts.

I will help you find a program that works for you and your life. Purchase a qualifying package and I will send you a “Love Yourself ” care package ( hint — it is full of goodies that most of us don’t give ourselves and it will be gender specific – $25 value and gender specific).

Now is the time. Time to LOVE YOURSELF. It is about making a decision to change — A decision to take care of you — all of you. Your Mind, Body and Soul!

To join us, apply at: Challenge Group Application

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