It’s Never Too Late

It's never too late.....It's never too bad......and you're never too old or too start from scratch againThe other day, I was driving to the airport listening to a radio station I used to listen to as a teenager. It is now an oldies station. They basically changed their format to match the demographics of their loyal listeners, my generation (45-65 years old). What caught my attention was that every other commercial was about knee replacements, back surgery or a quick easy “weight loss” program. It made me sad. We have become a society looking for the quick fix. Including quick health fixes.

But, quick fixes are just band-aids. They treat the symptoms, not the cause. The “cause” is the abuse we do to our bodies with poor eating and lack of exercise. We are aging prematurely and subjecting ourselves to a plethora of disease.

The good news is that we can change that trend. Research has shown that exercise, proper nutrition and a positive attitude can reverse aging. I, for one, want to do what I can to take good care of myself as I age. How about you?

Here’s something fun to do: Determine your ‘real’ age vs your actual age and see how you are doing.  On one site, my actual age is 53, my virtual age is 35 and my life expectancy is 95. That’s not bad! Check it out for yourself:

If you like the answer, great, you are doing things right. If not, maybe it is time to makes some change

P.S. If you want some help to making changes, an success/accountability group might be what you need. I have two running right now and I would love to have you join us. Check them out!

Summer Strong

50 and Fabulous

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