It is the Non-Scale Victories that Matter

Not all Progress can be seen on the ScaleHow many of you step on the scale every morning? How many of you judge the success of your health and fitness journey on what the scale says? Probably most of us.

And, I don’t blame you. It is an easy measurement. Many of us have a particular “weight” that we believe is ideal. But what is really the “ideal” weight (that is another blog)? Watching that scale can get pretty discouraging especially when we are working out regularly and eating clean.

Living a healthy lifestyle is really a journey. There is not a magic end date or “ideal” weight number. Rather it is about making the decision to live a healthier life long term. With that decision, comes positive changes that are not measured by the scale. Those small changes need to be celebrated!

Can you claim any of the following?

  1. You eat smaller portions
  2. You resist junk food more often
  3. You can do more reps
  4. People ask if you have lost weight
  5. Your clothes are looser
  6. You have more endurance
  7. You feel healthier
  8. Your blood pressure or blood sugar has improved
  9. You can lift weight more in your everyday life
  10. You have fewer aches and pains
  11. Stairs are easier
  12. Rings are loser
  13. You have more energy
  14. Your skin is clearer
  15. You don’t feel as tired
  16. You eat more vegetables
  17. You drink more water
  18. You are more patient with your kids/spouse/co-workers
  19. Headaches are gone or rare
  20. You feel better about yourself

These are the small victories. These are the successes that matter. Celebrate them!

I bet you can even add to the list!



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