Is it Snake Oil?

You have probably heard about it or you may even drink it yourself – Apple Cider Vinegar.  It seems to cure just about anything…but does it? Apple Cider Vinegar, or ACV, has a long history as a home remedy – as far back as Hippocrates. In recent years, it has gained popularity and people are drinking it for a wide range of reasons.  Though there is little research backing the claims, many people tout its health benefits.
Benefits Claimed:
  1. Helps with weight loss
  2. Improves heart health
  3. Assists digestion
  4. Helps ease an upset stomach
  5. Treats dandruff
  6. Soothes sore throats and coughs when mixed with honey
  7. Cures bad breath
  8. Helps with hot flashes
  1. Though this is some promising research, there is little conclusive evidence that ACV will help you lose weight.
  2. Overuse may cause your potassium levels to drop. Potassium is important to keep you muscles and nerves working like they should.
  3. Because ACV may slow your digestion, it can make regulating blood sugar levels more difficult — an issue for Type 1 Diabetics.
  4. It can be hard on your teeth and may upset your stomach
  5. It may interfere with some medications
  6. The strong taste doesn’t appeal to everyone.
Is it a snake oil? Maybe. With little research available on humans, it is hard to tell if these claims have merit. Yet, it probably won’t hurt you either. So, it you want, give it a try and see.  Be an experiment of one and decide for yourself.
A word of caution – Do not drink it straight. Dilute 1 tablespoon into 1 cup of warm water.
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