How To Get More Done In A Day — 5 Easy Steps

Doesn’t it feel like there is never enough time in a day? Most days, I would just like to clone myself! 🙂 But there is one habit you can adopt that will help you get more done – become a morning person.

It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom. – Aristotle

Yup, that is what I said – become a morning person. I used to dread mornings. The thought of leaving my warm bed to start the day was daunting. Hitting the snooze at least 3 times was normal. I actually set the time of my alarm to accommodate the “snooze”. My morning routine was exhausting and hurried. Even with my planning, I always seemed to be rushing around like a crazy woman trying to get myself to work on time.

Now, mornings are my favorite part of the day. I get up, get my workout in, spend sometime on my business, and have some quiet time all to myself before the house wakes up. As a matter of fact, right now, I am writing this blog at 6 AM on Sunday. Getting my day started early starts my day off right. I am more productive, more creative, and overall, happier.

I bet you are saying, Good for you. But I am not a morning person and never will be. But you can be. Try following these steps for 5 days. See what happens!

  1. Go to bed with the attitude that you are going to get up when the alarm goes off the first time. Attitude is everything. If you go to sleep thinking you will never get out of bed a ½ hour earlier, you won’t . Think positive.
  2. When the alarm goes off. Get up immediately. Yes, your bed is warm. Yes, you could start tomorrow, but DON’T. Start today. Put your alarm across the room if you need to. Just get up.IMG_0439
  3. Brush your teeth. This might seem like a funny step, but it signals your body that your day is starting.
  4. Drink a full glass of water. You’ve been sleeping and not drinking for hours. Your body is mildly dehydrated. Drinking a full glass or two jump-starts your metabolism. Often times when we feel tired, it is because we are dehydrated. Drinking water will not only make you feel more alert, you will enjoy health benefits too like looking younger and maintaining your weight. I drink 16 ounces within a couple minutes after I am up.
  5. Put your workout clothes on. That is what I said, your workout clothes. Morning workouts are the best workouts. First, they are done for the day. Second, you are more creative and more productive the rest of the day. (see my post Increasing your Creativity and Productivity) The workout doesn’t need to be long. It just needs to happen.Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have. – Lemony Snicket

And that’s it! Simple. Now do it. Start tomorrow and see the difference it will make.

Let me know how it goes. Comment below. Or if you are a morning person already, share with us your “Tricks” and why you like getting up at the crack of dawn.

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