Get Over the Fear of Working Out

Seems kind of silly, doesn’t it, but let’s get real…there is a lot of fear involved for someone who hasn’t worked out for a long time (or ever) that decides maybe it is time to become more active.  But the idea of starting a workout program is so scary, that often times, it’s easier to never start.

If this sounds like you, consider the following common fears and how to overcome them.

1.    Problem:  Fear of injury – SolutionStart with a less intense program. Start a regular walking routine. Look for a level 1 or beginner class at the gym or Y.  Find a beginner’s yoga program like the 3 Week Yoga Retreat.  Whatever you do, make sure you have good shoes and focus on using proper form.  If you are new to a class, let the instructor know. If you are using a DVD workout, follow the modifier for the first several weeks.  You do not need to prove anything to anyone!
2.    ProblemFear of looking bad in public – SolutionWorkout at home.  There are many at home workout programs available. Check out our new All Access Pass where you can find a workout that offers the right level of difficulty and fits into your life style.  For many programs, you can use your body weight or just a couple of hand weights for the strength training. You do need not a full blown gym. Start with a beginner program and work up from there.
3.    ProblemOverwhelmed at the Gym – SolutionGet Help and Stay Focused. When you walk into the gym, it can be overwhelming and hard to know where to start.  Finding a personal trainer for even a few sessions will help get you on a routine that makes sense for your goals and the time you have to dedicate to working out.  And, when you are at the gym, tune out what is going on around you.  Watch TV or listen to an audiobook while on the treadmill. Don’t compete with those around you. Workout at your own speed.
4.    ProblemWorking out isn’t fun (you might even hate it) – SolutionFind something you like. Try different things until you find a workout that you enjoy. Dance, kickboxing, yoga, hiking, biking, or joining an adult soccer or racquetball league might be perfect for you.  Getting fit doesn’t mean you have to sit on a recumbent bike or lift weights. There are a lot of options available. Be adventuresome.
5.    ProblemFear of failure – Solution:  Create or join a support group. This is big! Fear of failure is huge. It is so huge that most of us procrastinate starting or don’t’ even try.  The best way to face this fear is to “Just do it” as Nike says. Determine your goals, tell others and ask them to join you. Being accountable to others makes a difference. Feeling like you are part of a group that is counting on you often times is all the motivation you need.
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