Pro Athletes Do It, You Should Too!

Working out and building up a good sweat is encouraged to help you get and stay in shape.  Many times, we are so excited about our results, that we begin to fear taking time off.  But taking a rest day is important for many reasons. img_3077
Rest days give you a time to recover both physically and mentally. When you push yourself hard for days on end, you need to give your body time to recover.  Rest days help keep you fresh and help muscles rebuild – making them stronger and bigger.
Even elite athletes take rest and recovery days, so you can too. As a matter of fact, scheduling a rest day once a week will actually improve your performance and results. If you are just beginning an exercise program, resting every other day is a good starting point.
So, what do you do on a rest day to maximize its benefits? 
  1. Sleep in.  If your schedule allows, sleep in during the time you usually are exercising.  The extra sleep gives your body more time to recuperate.  Try to get 8 hours.
  2. Eat in color.  A rest day is a day to rest your body, not abandon your healthy eating habits.  To make sure you are getting the nutrients you need, eat in color.  Eating vegetables and fruits in a wide range of colors means you are also eating a variety of micronutrients.  Make sure you are also eating healthy fats like avocado and olive oil to help combat inflammation.
  3. Eat plenty of protein.  To repair and rebuild muscle, you need to be consuming enough protein. Choose natural, clean forms like eggs, chicken, or fish.
  4. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.  Water flushes out toxins reducing fatigue, improving your mood, and improving your cognitive function. And, it suppresses your appetite.
  5. Active Recovery. If you are feeling good, you can do what is considered, “recovering activities” such as walking, easy biking, or yoga.  Light activity boosts blood flow that helps deliver nutrients to your muscles which helps in repair and flushing out soreness. 
The key is to listen to your body. If it is telling you to take a day off, listen to it!
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