Emotional Wellness Series #3 — Living an Abundant Life – Part 4

Changing our attitude will change how we view the world and help us develop an attitude of abundance. But, implementing an “action plan” can help even more. Consider these ideas:

  1. Surround yourself with people with an abundant attitude. You are a reflection of those with whom you spend the most time.
  2. Giveaway others more of what you are going to get back. Even if you feel like your life is too crazy, find an hour or two to help someone else in need. If you don’t feel like you have enough mThe Secret to having it ALL is believing you already DO.oney, give to someone in more need than you. Give to others less fortunate. Giving creates a more abundant mind frame.
  3. Start your day off right. How you start your day influences your attitude for the rest of the day. The “right” start is really what feels right for you. For me it is:
    1. Getting up before the rest of the family
    2. Praying
    3. Working out
    4. Eating a healthy breakfast
  4. Identify your strengths and look for opportunities to use them.
  5. Listen to a motivational podcast or read a personal development book. My favorites are The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey, The New Psychology of Achievement by Brian Tracey, and You are a Badass by Jen Sincero.
  6. Enjoy NOW. Don’t wait for that “job” or “the weekend” or the “vacation” or “when you have more money”. Be happy with what you have now.

One thought on “Emotional Wellness Series #3 — Living an Abundant Life – Part 4

  • My comment on this series is that there is no magic light switch to turn on. Instead it is more of a journey. When I coached my baseball teams, the kids were encouraged to swing the bat 31 times each night. We tried to create muscle memory so when they were at bat in a game, the movement of the bat was second nature and they could instead focus on the pitch. I liken that same theory to this series on abundance. We need to build muscle memory in our brain. Practice the theory of abundance over and over until it becomes how we see the world. Then, when faced with life challenges, abundance is second nature and we can instead focus on the opportunity.

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