Emotional Wellness Series – #1: It Was One of THOSE Days

It Was One of Those Days
We all have those days. You know those days when nothing goes right? I had one of those the other day. My alarm didn’t go off. I dropped my shake and it splattered everywhere. My computer wasn’t working in my classroom. Three times I had to walk back to my office to get materials I forgot. I couldn’t seem to get anything done in my office because of constant student issues. I went home and there was dog poop on the floor. Supper burned. And then, I went to run the kids to one of their activities and I was out of gas in my car. It was in the single digits and windy. As if I wanted to fill my car up! I remember thinking, “what else”? If someone would have said to me, “think positive”, I might have punched them. 🙂

Instead, I employed the 5 minute rule. Feel bad for 5 minutes, then let it go.

When things don’t go right, it is ok to feel bad. Feel your emotions. Stomp your feet, cry, shout – whatever you need to do. But then, get over it and move on. Period.

DiemAnd, if you still can’t let it go, try these ideas:
1.  Meditate, pray, do yoga or take a walk. All of these help you stay present in the moment versus worrying about what will happen next or dwell on the past.
2.  Smile. Even if you don’t feel like it. It reduces stress and changes your mood.
3. Find a positive person to hang out with or call. Positive attitudes are contagious.
4. Switch negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Instead of saying, “My life sucks,” say, “I can handle this.”
6. Don’t play the victim. You always have a choice.
7. Help someone. My mom always told me, “If you feel bad about what is happening to you, find someone in a worse place and help them.” And you know what, it works.
8. Learn from your mistakes. We all make them. That doesn’t mean you are a failure. Let it go, learn and move on.
9. Sing, whistle, or listen to up lifting music.
9. Do things you enjoy. Watch a funny movie or Youtube videos.
10. Read positive quotes. Post them in your space or on your phone.

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