Could a Better Routine Help?

The holidays are upon us and our already crazy lives are going to get just a bit crazier!  Between the end of the semester, keeping quarantined students current, kids, household chores, shopping, planning, cooking and everything else, it is hard to take a breath. 

That’s why creating and sticking to a regular routine is more important than ever.

A daily routine lessens stress, makes eating healthy easier, helps maintain a consistent workout schedule, and creates better sleep.

How do you create a routine that works when your life is so chaotic? Follow these tips and see if they help add a little structure and sanity to your day.

  • Start planning the night before. As you go through the day, your ability to make beneficial decisions decline as does your willpower. But when you have your day planned, it is easier to stay on task.
  • Take it slow. Start with just a few simple steps in your new routine. Build the steps around things you already automatically do like brush your teeth or make coffee. “Anchoring” your new routine to established activities makes it easier to turn it into a habit. For example, plan the next day right before start your bedtime routine.
  • Group tasks together. Set aside an hour or so on Sunday to prep food for the week.  Do all of your laundry on the same day. Batching redundant chores makes you more efficient.
  • Make time every day for self-care. Schedule a daily workout or walk.  Take 20 minutes before starting to cook dinner to work on a hobby. Read before you go to bed. Burnout is real and scheduling some down time everyday will help you feel less overwhelmed.
  • Take regular breaks. Under-schedule your day so you can take frequent breaks to clear your mind and move your body. Frequent breaks actually increases your productivity.
  • Go easy on yourself. Life is unpredictable. Things happen. Sometimes you have to deviate from your schedule. No big deal.  Let it go and get back on track.

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