Mixing Up Your Salads

When you hear the word “salad”, do you immediately think of lettuce and leafy greens?  I think most of us do. But really, anything that involves multiple veggies can be considered a “salad.” So, if a bowl of leafy greens is getting rather boring, try these alternatives: A Wrap– Just take your salad fixings and […]

Curbing the Late Night Munchies

Sound familiar? You eat healthy all day but at night, it all falls apart. That bag of chips or cookies are too much and you give in. All your healthy eating earlier in the day feels negated. A study in the Journal of Obesity recently concluded that our internal clock actually prompts us for that […]

Are you feeling Overwhelmed?

Our lives right now are far from normal. Suddenly, everything has changed.  It may feel like there are not enough hours in the day. The balancing act of work and family may feel daunting and all you might really want to do is climb back into bed and pull the covers over your head. It’s […]

Control What You Can

During this uncertain time, there is so much we can’t control — the virus, politics, the stock market….but we can control how we take care of ourselves.  And when we take good care of ourselves, our immune systems are stronger and we manage stress better. Doing all the personal care measures to stay healthy like […]

Should You Workout When You’re Sick?

When you are feeling under the weather, or not feeling like yourself, does activity help or make it worse? It’s kind of hard to know. Most experts say working out is fine as long as you are listening to your body. If you suffer from a chronic disorder like asthma or diabetes, you may want […]

8 Ways to Keep your Heart Healthy

Being strong is important. Keeping your strongest and most important muscle in our body, your heart, healthy is critical. To keep it healthy and strong, you need to treat it right. 1.    Get your sleep – Shoot for 7 hours each night. Studies show people who get at least 7 hours have healthier arteries. 2.    Watch your pressure — Get your blood […]

Get Over the Fear of Working Out

Seems kind of silly, doesn’t it, but let’s get real…there is a lot of fear involved for someone who hasn’t worked out for a long time (or ever) that decides maybe it is time to become more active.  But the idea of starting a workout program is so scary, that often times, it’s easier to […]

Get Up and Get the “Worm” Even if You Don’t Want It

Are you an early riser?  Or are you like the majority of people who find getting up early especially when it’s still dark particularly hard?  Even though we all have heard the sayings, “The early bird gets the worm” or “If you win the morning, you win the day”, we still tend to choose staying […]

Nine “Healthy” Foods that Sabotage your Diet

I used to eat all kinds of granola, pretzels and low fat products thinking they were the “healthy” choice. Over the past couple years, I’ve learned to eat differently in large part because of the Ultimate Reset ant the portion control eating plans of Beachbody workouts. Now, I know that all I was eating was […]