Caffeine – Is It Killing Your EQ?

cut out coffeeMost of us probably start the day with a jolt of caffeine either through coffee, soda, or tea. It might make us feel more alert, but is it really hurting more than it is helping. It can impact your memory, physical well-being, sleep, and even your emotions.

Caffeine triggers the release of adrenaline — the hormone that creates the fight or flight response in your body during times of stress or danger.  This response is great when you are truly in danger. But, in our normal life situations, it can make your emotions run a bit out of control.

So, if you want to protect your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and your general health, consider taking it out of your daily routine. You can always go cold turkey and fight through the withdrawal symptoms, or use these guidelines to wean yourself.

Cutting Back:

If you are a heavy caffeine addict, expect to suffer a dull headache for 2-3 days. But, by day 4, you will feel considerably better with more energy and more mental clarity.

  • Coffee – reduce by ¼ of your normal intake each day. For example, instead of drinking that 16 oz coffee, drop to a 12 oz. cup, then 8 fl. oz. etc.
  • Energy drinks — reduce by about 1/2 a can every two days.
  • Soda – reduce by cutting back a can or half a bottle every two days

Tea — reduce by cutting back 1 cup every two days. For most people the withdrawal process takes about two-three days.

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