Are You Addicted to Sugar?

It is time for your mid-morning coffee and you just can’t help yourself – you add a little sugar or sweetener to your coffee. Maybe you grab a cookie or roll.  You’ve just finished eating lunch and could use a bite of chocolate. Or it is mid-afternoon and that soda is calling your name. That sugar craving is doing you in.Sugar-Cubes

We all know that too much sugar adversely affects our health.  The list is sizable – weight gain, increased blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.  So, we know we need to avoid it, but boy, is it hard!

We know the obvious places where sugar hangs out, but did you know it is also in your ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and rice mixes?  Sugar is everywhere.  Pick up any jar or box of processed foods and you will find it.  It is simply hard to avoid.

Study after study has shown that sugar is as addictive as many drugs and the habit is as difficult to kick.  But you can do it! Many suggest a 10 day sugar free detox to really rest your system.  Check out this article from CNN:

What do you think — Are you ready to go cold turkey?

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