A Little Twist on Our Advent Count Down Calendar

December – A month that is both fun and taxing…lots of parties, lots of shopping and lots of cooking. All too often, the spirit of the season is lost in the chaos. And for kids, sometimes it becomes all about getting rather than giving.img_0148

So, this year, we are approaching the Advent season a bit different.

Every year, we hang up our Advent Count Down calendar. Then, each day, the boys take turns moving the star and retrieving whatever is in the pocket. Traditionally, it has been a piece of candy or some change.

This year though, they will not only find candy or change, they will also find a slip of paper with a random act of kindness suggestion.

img_0146When they complete the act, they will put the slip into their marked jar and at the end of Advent, we will reflect back on the kindness they gave this Christmas season.


Suggestions they will find in the pockets:

  1. Call your grandmother.
  2. Hold the door for someone.
  3. Let someone go in front of you in line.
  4. Leave extra change in the vending machine.
  5. Send a message to someone to show your appreciation or thanks.
  6. Use your manners. Say please, thank you and excuse me.
  7. Give a compliment to a friend.
  8. Say good morning to your teachers and bus drivers. On Fridays wish them a good weekend.
  9. Give a compliment to a stranger.
  10. Help your brother with something.
  11. Help around the house without being asked to do so.
  12. Stand up for someone being teased or bullied.
  13. Send Grandma a letter
  14. Offer to help Dad with a chore
  15. Offer to do dishes after supper
  16. Send a text message to a friend telling them something you appreciate about them
  17. Pick up trash at school, in the neighborhood, on the bus.
  18. Say hi to a student that looks lonely.
  19. Brush the dogs.
  20. Do a chore without being asked.
  21. Call your sister just to say hi.
  22. Give Dad a big hug.
  23. Leave a thank you note for someone in the family.
  24. Say something nice to your brother.
  25. Hug your mother.

It is an experiment. We will see how it goes….And, of course, I will give you an update.

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