Set Yourself Up for Success

Does this sound familiar?  You’ve decided to make a change. You want to get back in shape. You commit to working out every day. You give up carbs, wine, wings and chocolate.  You’re ready. You are going to do it this time!
Then, about 4 days into this new “lifestyle”, it falls apart. You missed your workout 2 days in a row. You had a beer and a bag of chips. Or you had dessert after dinner.  You throw in the towel. You give up. You feel like a failure…..again.
Sound familiar? You are not alone. Most of us approach our health and fitness journey this way. But what if you approached it another way? What if you changed the way you looked at this journey?
What if instead of making wholesale changes, you made just ONE small change – a simple change.  One that you KNOW you can do.  
A change like:
·         Go to bed 15 minutes earlier.
·         Get up 15 minutes earlier
·         Drinking a glass of water before you eat a meal.
·         Eat the vegetables on your plate first.
·         Sweeten your coffee with unsweetened almond milk and stevia.
·         Start carrying a water bottle
·         After lunch or dinner, go for a 10 minute walk
·         Decide to workout for 30 minutes 3 times a week
·         Close the kitchen after dinner
We all know what we need to do. Now pick ONE SMALL thing and commit to it! Set yourself up for success. Then at the end of the week – celebrate that success. In time, you can add other small changes slowly into your life. Your successes will build on each other.
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