August is the height of the summer growing season.  Beans, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, and are ready to be picked.  And soon, we will have squash, potatoes, peppers, apples, raspberries and more.

 If you don’t have access to home grown veggies and fruit, consider buying them locally.  There are several reasons to do so:
  1. Locally grown food is full of flavor. When crops are grown locally, they are picked at the height of their ripeness and within 24 hours of purchase which translates to more flavor.
  2. Eating local means eating seasonally, which is healthy. Our ancestors didn’t have access to raspberries in the dead of winter like we do. Instead, they ate food that was available to them at the time. This seasonal eating meant more food diversity – something known to improve our overall health.
  3.  Locally grown food has more nutrients. Because the time between harvest and your table is shorter, less nutrient degradation happens from time spent in transport and storage.
  4.  Local food supports our local economy.  Money spent with local farmers and growers stays closer to home and is re-invested in local businesses and services.
  5. Local foods are a safer food supply. The less steps between you and your food source, the less chance for contamination.
  6. You can talk to the grower. You can ask what practices they follow to raise and harvest their crops meaning you know a lot more about your food. There is just something about being able to look in the eye of your food provider.
  7. Local food benefits the environment and wildlife. Well managed farms conserve soil, protect water sources, and create habitat and food for wildlife.
  8.    Locally grown food tastes better. And isn’t that the best reason?
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