Get Up and Get It Done

You know the sayings: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” or “The early bird gets the worm.”  Pretty sage advice, actually. People who get up early say they are more productive, more successful and more energized. Is that true about early exercise too? the-feeling-you-have-after-finishing-your-morning-workout-is-better-than-getting-another-hour-of-sleep

 I am an early riser and an early exerciser.  Week days, I am up at 4:45 and working out shortly after 5:00 AM (a bit later on the weekends) and wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the quietness of the house, the beauty of the sunrise and starting the day off with an accomplishment.

While working out when it works best in your life is the right answer, there are benefits to getting your workout in early in the day.

 Reasons to exercise in the morning

1.      You may actually end up being more productive – There is just something about having exercise checked off your list first thing in the morning. It simply feels great and your mind is calmer and clearer for the rest of the day.

2.      More family time – If you can train yourself to work out before the sun and kids are up, you can spend more time with your family both in the morning and the evening. Instead of using family time at the gym after work, you can go right home. It makes for a much more relaxing evening.

3.      Nothing gets in the way – Ever have plans to work out after work and a meeting runs long, the kids suddenly need a ride to another activity or you’re just so tired at the end of the day you end up skipping your workout?  For most people, exercise is more likely to happen if you do it first thing.

4.      You will feel less simg_8634tress and more ready for your day –a morning workout can take the edge off and help ease our daily stress. Studies show that just 10 minutes of exercise in the morning can provide psychological benefits including improving your mood.

5.      Improve your mental focus – Exercise has been shown to boost brain health. So, working out in the morning will enhance your creativity, concentration, and performance.

In the end, the best time to work out is when you can get it done on a consistent basis. Period. So, if you haven’t gotten your workout in today.  Go do it!

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