Do You Have A Plan?

IMG_3177Goals – I have them. You have them. And if you are like me, so many of your goals have stayed just goals.

For a long time, achieving my goals seemed overwhelming. I could see what I wanted, but the process to get there seemed like it just too much. I mean, how was I supposed to add one more thing to my already overloaded schedule?
However, I learned that it doesn’t need to be that way though. A couple of years ago I read two books that change my life — PUSH by Chalene Johnson and GOALS by Brian Tracy. From these two awesome, inspiring authors, I learned a system that makes reaching my goals a bit more manageable. It simply starts with an action plan.

Follow these steps to create an ACTION PLAN and you can make your goals a reality.

  1. Write out your goals. For help with that see my article: Take Action.
  2. Prioritize your goals. Which goal if accomplished, will spill over and help you achieve several other goals. In other words, what goal will be a catalyst for other goals on your list.
  3. Work with that goal first. Take that goal and make it SMART – Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely. In other words write it so it is very clear what you will accomplish and when you want to complete it. For example: I will complete a half marathon by August 2016.
  4. Brainstorm all ideas that come to mind that you need to know, do, acquire, master, and so on. Write them down. This may take multiple attempts and will actually be something you do even as you begin working through the steps.
  5. Organize your brainstorming in a logical sequence. Create a realistic schedule of how long each task should take and the date of completion needed so you can reach your goal on time.
  6. Bite Size it. Then, take each task and break it down into bite size pieces. In other words, tasks small enough that you can accomplish them in 10-20 minutes.
  7. Make a “To-do” list by writing out all the little bit size tasks.
  8. Then, everyday, choose one item off the list to complete. As you complete it, cross if off! It will feel awesome.

As you work through your to-do list, you will discover other things you will need to do as well. Add them to your list! Remember, this is an ongoing process. The key to success is doing something every day.

Remember to go through the same process for your health and fitness goal.

As you accomplish one goal, repeat the process for other goals on your list. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish!

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