Emotional Series # 3 — Living an Abundant Life – Part 2

Scarcity thinking believes there is never enough. Abundance thinking believes there will always be more.

The choice of how we approach life ours. Yet, sometime it is hard to understand. I think the best way to explain it is through a story:

The Tale of Two Cindy’sBUY 2 GET

Cindy Scarcity

Cindy didn’t really like her job. It seemed like she was always under the microscope. Like most jobs, it seems like she could never get ahead of her work. The harder she worked, the more work came her way. It seemed like all the “shit” was handed to her.

Possibly, what bothered her most though was no one ever noticed how hard she worked. On the other hand, her co-worker, Tanner, seemed to have everything go his way. Management was always stopping by his office to BS or praise his efforts.

It gets Cindy so frustrated. The other day, Tanner joined her group at lunch and she just had to leave. He hadn’t done anything wrong, but it was hard sitting next to him. She couldn’t put her finger on it — she just couldn’t handle being near him. He seemed gets everything, and she feels like nothing works out for her. It feels so discouraging.

Cindy is operating with a scarcity mentality. She believes that if someone else succeeds, then she can’t or won’t. For her, everything is win-lose. If someone else does well, that means she lost. If someone else has a good idea, hers is bad. She frequently feels defeated before she even starts. If someone else gets noticed, a bonus, or praise, then she is shorted.

But, what if Cindy changed her point of view? What if Cindy instead operated under the law of abundance? Would she see what is happening at work differently? Let’s see.

Cindy Abundance

When management stops by to congratulate Tanner, Cindy congratulates him as well. She is happy for his success. When Cindy is struggling, she asks Tanner if he has any suggestions. When he is in the lunchroom, she intentionally sits by him. They visit and bounce ideas off each other. Each challenge is now an opportunity. Work is fun. She is open to new ideas and doesn’t care who suggested them. She knows that when Tanner or other employees do well, the company benefits. And when the company does well, Cindy benefits.

Who do you think is more successful, happier and fulfilled? Which would you like to be? I bet you answered Cindy Abundance. But the question is, how do we cultivate that mentality. Tomorrow, I will share some tips….stay tuned.

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