The “S” Word

The “S” Word
Sugar – it is like a 4 letter word now days (except it is 5 J). Sugar has become the new fat. It is blamed for making us sick, overweight, tired and prematurely old.  We all know we need to reduce our sugar intake, but it is hard. And, I mean really hard. Sugar is everywhere and you know what, most of us like our sweets. 
As you work reducing your sugar intake, you may be doing it the wrong way and setting yourself up for failure.
 Sugar-CubesHere are six mistakes you don’t want to make when you give up sugar:
1.       Switching to diet pop – We all know that diet pop isn’t the healthy alternative to regular pop. Studies have found that it negatively impacts blood pressure, increases the risk of heart disease and can cause reproductive issues. Moving from regular pop to diet pop will cut a huge sugar source, but it is far from healthy. The negative effects far outweigh any positives. Switching to naturally flavored water without any added sweeteners is the best option.
2.      Only eating foods labeled “sugar-free” – Eating calorie free foods is not a healthy choice.  Artificial sweeteners trick the body into thinking it is eating sugar. It sets our sugar metabolism machinery in motion and our bodies screams for glucose, which means you’ll probably just end up eating more.
Same is true for “no sugar added”. These processed foods often include artificial sweeteners, large amounts of sugar alcohol, and naturally occurring sugar.  When in doubt, always read the label.  Stick with real foods that are easy for our bodies to digest.
3.      Only eating foods labeled “lite” or “fat-free”  — Lite or fat free are code words for “high-sugar”.  For years, we blamed fat for making us fat. It sounded so simple. Cut out the fat and lose the weight.  It didn’t happen though. When fat was cut out of processed foods, sugars were added in. This substitution  has wreaked havoc with our systems. Again, eat as whole as possible. If you can’t grow it, you shouldn’t chew it.
4.      Overdoing it on fruit — Fruit is fabulous if you’re eating the right kinds in the right amounts. Too much fruit can overload your body with fructose which your liver converts to triglycerides. Stick to two servings of fruit per day. Shoot for berries or other lower-glycemic fruit.
5.      Completely eliminating sugar all at once — Dumping sugar all at once is part of many diet plans.  If you’ve tried it, how has it worked?  Probably not so good.  Your sugar cravings most likely got the best of you. Instead, slowly eliminate sugar in your diet.  Start with one thing and eliminate that for a week or replace it with a better substitute.  Then, move on to the next item. Suggestions? — Replace your after dinner treat with peppermint herbal tea, or choose unsweetened yogurt for your afternoon snack.
6.      Falling for hidden sugars – Sugar is in foods you wouldn’t even expect – balsamic vinaigrette dressing, marinara sauce, and fruit on the bottom yogurt.  And to make it even harder, sugar is disguised under a lot of non-sugar sounding names.  Did you know there are 61 other names for sugar? Do your homework, read labels carefully, and ask.
What have you found most challenging when it comes to going “no-sugar” or “low sugar”? 

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