9 Tips to Help You “STICK” Your 2018 Health and Fitness Goal

It is the New Year. And like every year, most of us are determined that this year will be different. This year, we will stick to our New Year’s goal.

So, we join a gym and fight the crowds. Start a new diet. We are determined. We are set to make changes. But, how long does it REALLY last?

For some of us a few days, others maybe a few weeks or months. Then, we quit. We aren’t see progress, it is durgery, it just isn’t worth it.

How about it is different this year? What if you were able to stick to your goal? Imagine how it would feel next month or next year at this time?

If you want to take better care of yourself and have a healther 2017, follow these 9 tips:

  1. Set realistic goals. Create a goal you can achieve. The best way to fall short of your goal is to create one you can’t make – like to never eat candy again or lose 50 pounds in 3 months. Instead, create goals that are attainable. Break them down into bit size pieces. Like losing 1-2 pounds per week or 5 pounds per month. Though that doesn’t sound like a lot. If you lost 5 pounds a month, you would be 30 pounds lighter July 1st!
  2. Tell someone your goal. Sharing your goal with someone else makes it more real. Plus, just sharing it with someone else, makes you more accountable.
  3. Track your progress. Use an app or a paper journal and track each little success. Every small accomplishment will help keep you motivated. Keep a food and workout journal. When you hit a milestone, like losing 5 pounds or an inch off your waist, reward yourself with a non-food treat like a new workout outfit or a pedicure.
  4. Find an accountability partner or group. Accountability groups work. Committing to an accountability group means working out, eating healthy, and supporting each other throughout the journey. They work because you are accountable to someone other than yourself. There are others to cheer you on, inspire you and motivate you when you need an extra push….and you know you can’t let the group down either. I have a group with flexible start days of January 2- 14 – 80 Day Obsession. Consider joining us.
  5. Pick a workout you like. It is a lot easier to stick to a workout when you like it. Lifting weights, running, or yoga isn’t for everyone. Maybe a dance workout or kickboxing is more your style. The key is to find what works for you. If at first you don’t succeed…keep trying. Eventually, you will find it. (Pssst…..I can help with this. Just message me – kjmeuwissen@gmail.com)
  6. Find a diet that isn’t a diet. Short term fad diets work for just that – a short time. Instead, start by making small changes like eating more veggies, not eating after dinner each day, cutting out most processed foods. By making healthier food choices for the long run, you are making lifestyle changes that will stay with you. You will both feel and look better.
  7. Don’t beat yourself up. This is a journey, not a destination. You will slip up. You will have bad days. That is ok. Just do the best you can everyday. Take it one day at a time.
  8. Stick to it. Creating new habits take time. Experts say it takes 21 days to creat a new habit but it takes 6 months to truly become part of your “DNA”. So, stay your course.
  9. Keep trying. If by the end of January, you have lost all your motivation. Just start again. This time, commit yourself to the next 24 hours instead of the next year. You can do anything for 24 hours, right?

What are your goals for 2018? Share them in the comments below.

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