This time of year is the best time of year to eat in color. Fruit and vegetables are fresh and plentiful. The more colors you eat the more nutrition you receive. And the more you fuel your body with good nutrition, the better your body will perform. 

So, think back, how many colors were on your plate at lunch today? White starches like pasta, potatoes or white bread, don’t count. So, you might need to count again. Did you have more than 3? Your goal should be 3-4 for each meal.

Eating in color provides us with all kinds of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Plus, your plate is so much more fun to look at.

Red foods like cherries, cranberries, red peppers and tomatoes contain phytochemicals that help increase heart and circulatory health, improve memory and decrease the risks of some cancers.

Oranges, carrots, peaches, sweet potatoes and other orange foods are high in antioxidants that have been linked to skin and eye health along with heart health.

 Yellow foods contain nutrients that aid digestion and optimal brain function. Pineapple, yellow peppers, and star fruit fall in this category.

 Green fruits and vegetables have phytochemicals that lower the risk of some cancers, improves eye health, rejuvenates musculature and bones, and promotes strong teeth. Most of us think of green foods like broccoli, lettuce and green beans, but also consider eating avocado, kiwi, grapes, and honey dew.

 Blue/purple foods have been linked with antioxidants and anti-aging properties. They promote bone health, improve memory, and increase urinary-tract health. But, one of the biggest benefits of blue and purple foods is increased circulation and microcirculation. Besides blackberries and blueberries, consider trying purple asparagus or purple beans.

 White foods are generally associated with refined foods, but there are a few white foods like garlic, onions, and cauliflower that are packed with nutrients. White fruits and veggies have been linked to lower cholesterol, decreased blood pressure, and a lower risk of heart disease. They also are thought to improve our immune system.

Eating in vivid color is not only more interesting – it is simply better for us. Take The Color Challenge and see just how many colors you can eat each day and for the week! Challenge yourself. Challenge your co-workers and friends. Challenge your family!

FYI – Skittles, M&Ms, Starbursts, and multicolored chips don’t count.


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