Variety is the “Spice” of Health and Fitness

You know the old saying, “variety is the spice of life”. Well, variety is the spice of our health and fitness too.

Trying something new is a norm in our family, particularly with food. Sometimes it is a hit, other times it finds the garbage can.

While on vacation in Florida, we ordered a calamari appetizer. Not the healthiest choice since they were all deep-fried, but what the “heck” we were on vacation. Jacob, our 17 year old, refused to even try one until the basket was just about gone. He eventually gave in and then promptly finished them off. A few months ago, much to our surprise, he ordered grilled calamari while we were out to eat.calamari-over-shirataki-1024x685

Sixteen-year old Ryan convinced us to try dragon fruit recently. This sweet funky colored fruit was a hit with the whole family. An adventuresome cook, he also talked us into baking chocolate cake inside an orange rind over an open fire. The idea sounded interesting, but the orange burned and the cake stayed gooey.

Another time we tried cashew zucchini soup. Disaster. The texture was gritty and the flavor was, well I can’t even describe the flavor othDragon_Fruit_White_Big_Size_er than I didn’t even want to eat anything the rest of the night. 🙂

And oh yeah, I can’t forget the canned hardboiled quail eggs…..let me tell you – save your money!

In reality though, we have had more successes than failures! For example, last night we made sautéed Swiss Chard and we all enjoyed it. What we’ve found is that our tastes have changed as we have started eating more whole, healthy foods. Now I like squash, yams and even beets! Go figure!

Like trying new food, trying new forms of exercise is just as important. Doing the same thing day in and day out may be comforting, but frankly it’s BORING! Plus, the effectiveness of the workout decreases.

So, a couple weeks ago, I started Morning Meltdown 100 – program of 100 different workouts. With different workout every day, I am having fun and I am looking forward to my workouts each morning.

So mix it up a little. Add some variety to your life .Try something new!

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