Taking Time Off

We are only a few away from the start of school. Though this summer may have felt a little more “normal” for many of us, it was still stressful. Did you get a chance for some down time? If you haven’t, try to squeeze some in – it’s important!

Life moves as a fast pace. With ATMs, email, texting, and social media, we often times get overwhelmed. Everyone wants everything now. When we aren’t working, we are running the kids to all their activities, keeping up the house, doing yard work, and maybe even dealing with elderly parents.

On top of that, we all too often, we over commit. We get on one more committee, say yes to another party, or take on a large project around the house. The idea of taking time off seems like more work than it would be worth.

The thing is, we need down time. We need to unplug from technology, turn off the news, and relax. Time away, even for a long weekend can make a difference. Make the effort. It is worth it! You need it.

Need more of a push? Here are 7 reasons taking time off is important:

  1. Better physical health – The stress of work and over commitment takes a toll on your physical well-being. Our bodies can’t tell the difference between good or bad stress – it just responds the same way – with an adrenaline rush. That rush is important for your survival, but is detrimental for the long term. Your body needs time to recover.
  2. More productivity– After time away, you will feel more refreshed and have more energy resulting in getting more done. According to the New York Times, “The importance of restoration is rooted in our physiology. Human beings aren’t designed to expend energy continuously. Rather, we’re meant to pulse between spending and recovering energy.”
  3. Closer family relationships– This is one of the biggest benefits of a vacation. Leaving behind the crazy schedule and doing activities together not only brings the family closer, it can create lasting memories. Being able to share stories and memories develops a family history and bond.
  4. Newer perspectives– Vacations are a way to step away and let our minds recharge and recover. Frequently, our best ideas for a problem come when we are thinking about something else. Our subconscious is at work trying to figure. So, the same is true when we take time off. Who knows what ideas you might come up with!
  5. Increased mental power– You might think that with all the hours you work, you are getting all kinds of work done. Research by the University of California Irvine found that our brains don’t have a reserve pool to gather energy and power from. Time off tunes up our brains!
  6. Lower chance of burn out– When we are feeling overwhelmed and starting to feel burned out, time away can help. “Workers who take regular time to relax are less likely to experience burnout, making them more creative and productive than their overworked, under-rested counterparts,” according to about.com.
  7. Improved mental health– After time away, most people have an increased sense of calm, which helps relieve stress, and creates a healing experience for both our physical and our mental health.

Comment below on what your favorite mini-vacation!

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