When All They Want to Eat is Chips, Pizza, Ice Cream, and Cake

There are all kinds of reasons people want to make changes in their health journey and there are just as many reasons why people don’t.  And that makes it hard, really hard, when you want to make changes but others you live with likes the status quo.  So, how do you make it work? 

First, once you’ve made the decision to make some healthy changes, stick to it and consider these tips when your family isn’t on the same path:

  1. Share your goals.  Explain why this change is important to you. Go into detail about your workout and nutrition plans. Let them know you do not expect them to change just because you want to change.
  2. Ask for support. Even if your family is not joining you in your journey, you can ask for their support, encouragement, and help in sticking to your plan.
  3. Get an accountability partner.  Find a friend, co-worker, or accountability group that will help you stick to your program. 
  4. Cook only one meal.  If you are the primary shopper and cook, you can decide what the family eats. If you have a picky eater, come up with a meal plan that works for everyone.  Just make sure that there are plenty of healthy choices for you. Over time, your example just might wear off on other family members and they may join you.
  5. Hide the cookies, chips and candy. If you can’t get others to give up all the processed goodies, hide them in a cabinet or pantry so they are not always visible.  Place fruit on the counter and have plenty of cut up veggies in the fridge for a quick snack. 
  6. Find a consistent time to workout. Treat it like a critical appointment and share it with your family. This helps set the expectations that this is your time and it is important.
  7. Give yourself grace.  If you have pizza with the family, ok – you need some flexibility in your plan so go ahead and occasionally enjoy some of your favorite foods in moderation. If you miss a workout, ok – workout the next day.  You’re human. 
  8. Stay true to you.  You are important. Your health is important. You can do this!
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