Have you had your Uitwaaien today?

A what?

An Uitwaaien (pronounced Out-vi-en).  Uitwaaien is a Dutch term for doing something outside in the wind that clears your mind and makes you feel refreshed –  taking a morning walk or run, working in the garden, raking leaves, or taking a bike ride.  It’s about getting back in touch with nature and escaping from the pressure of everyday life.  Uitwaajen is a popular activity for people in the Netherlands.

We can personally attest to that. Last year, we had a foreign exchange student from the Netherlands. He would talk about how much they biked and hiked everywhere. It wasn’t uncommon for his family to take 75K bike rides on Saturday. Many days we would come home and he would be outside shooting hoops or messing around with the soccer ball while our boys were inside because it was “too cold and windy out”. He loved it and made it a habit almost daily regardless of the weather.

Uitwaajen is healthy. Research backs the effectiveness of such a practice. Spending even just 5 minutes outside in natural settings can have a positive impact on our mood and attitude. Walking in nature can reduce depression, stress, and negativity.  Some believe it can also boost our immune system and reduce headaches. The outside air contains phytoncides, antibacterial and antimicrobial substances that are released into the air from vegetation, that help fight disease.

While there is not as much research on spending time around water, studies and personal experience tells us that being around bodies of water is restorative and relaxing as well.

We live in the perfect place to take advantage of both.  This weekend, take a walk in the woods, stroll by the lake, sit and listen to the birds and the rustle of the falling leaves in your backyard. Destress. Unwind.  Take an Uitwaaien.

Source: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-simple-dutch-cure-for-stress?utm_source=pocket-newtab

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