It’s Time to Get Back on Track

You would think it would be easy to stay on track with your health and fitness during the summer. The nice weather and longer days are conducive to being active outside. With all the fresh fruits and vegetables available, eating healthy should be a no brainer.  But, for many of us, that is not the case.

Summer is the season of fun – vacations, picnics, ball games, family reunions, BBQs, and kids out of school.  Too many temptations and not enough structure wreaks havoc with our “plans.” Summer ends and instead of being in better shape, we’ve gained 10 pounds. Yikes!

Does this sound like you? If so, now is the perfect time to get back into your healthy routine. Start today.

  1. Create a plan you can live with. Don’t overdo it.  Doing too much right away becomes overwhelming and it is easy to quit. Start slow and build from there.
  2. Find something that sounds like fun to you.
    • Attend yoga on Tuesday and Thursday
    • Walk during lunch
    • Find a class at the gym
    • Find an at home fitness program
    • Dance
    •  Kickbox
    • Run
  3.  Make sure you include cardio, resistance training, and flexibility in your workout plan. You will have more success with a well-rounded plan. It also breaks up the monotony of doing the same thing day in and day out.
  4. Find an accountability partner.  Having someone else either working out with you or holding you accountable makes all the difference in the world.  Without it, it is too easy to hit the snooze button or stay planted in front of the TV at the end of the day.
  5. Join one of my accountability groups. To apply, go to: Challenge Group Application
  6. Start with small changes in your diet. Pick one, then add another in a few days or a week.
    • Drink 8 ounces of water before each meal
    • Replace a carb with a serving of veggies
    • Use a smaller plate
    • Set your fork down between bite
    • Trade out sparkling water for your soda
    • Try a new healthy recipe
    • Pack your lunch

Summer is over. We are back in school. Our kids our back in school. Our days are more predictable so this the perfect time to get healthy habits back into your routine.

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