7 Tips on How to Stay Motivated as the Weather Cools and the Days Get Shorter

When the weather is warm and sunny and the days are long, it is easy to stick to your health and fitness plans. It’s painless to go walking, running, hiking or cycling.

But once the weather cools and the days get shorter, it is so tempting to just hunker down under a blanket and eat comfort food.

Need a few ideas on how to stay motivated and focused on your goals these cold, dark days? Try these tips:

  1. Go fast and hard – High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts are quick and effective. If the idea of doing a longer workout is more than you can handle, try a HIIT workout. Basically, all you need to do is go all out for 20-30 seconds, then do a lighter activity for a 30-45 second recovery. For example sprint, then jog; or do burpees then march in place.

Or, try Morning Meltdown 100, Core De Force, or Transform:20 – all of these programs use a HIIT format. You can get a very effective workout done in as little as 25 minutes.

  1. Challenge yourself – There are a lot of challenges available online like a sit up or squat challenge. Or, challenge yourself to start and finish a structured workout program. Consider a 21 or 30 day program like the 21 Day Fix Real time ,Core De Forceor LIIFT4,
  1. Find an accountability partner or accountability group — If you usually workout alone, consider joining an accountability group. As silly as sounds, accountability groups really work. There is just something about having to check in everyday and knowing that others are working out that helps keep you motivated. My next group, End of the Year Resolution, starts on November 30th — perfect timing to get through the Holiday party season.
  1. Mix it up – Maybe it is time to try a new workout? Just mixing it up and doing something different is enough to get you motivated again. Do you like to dance, try CIZE or Country Heat. How about doing more weight training –  21 Day Fix Extreme and 6 Weeks of The Work are great options. Or, maybe you want a body weight resistant workout – how about T25 or Insanity MAX 30. Maybe some yoga, Boot Camp – 22 Minute Hard Corps, or kickboxing – Core De Force, sounds appealing.
  1. Create a routine – We are creatures of habit. If you create a routine for when you workout every day, prep your food and drink your water, you are more likely to stick with your plan even when you don’t feel like it. If you don’t have a routine – create one. Treat your workouts and food prep like an important appointment and don’t break them!
  1. Try new recipes – I don’t know about you, but sometimes I simply get bored with our menu. Trying a new recipe just makes meal planning more fun and enjoyable. And I know when I plan our meals, we are more likely to stick to healthy eating. Without a plan, we tend to make poorer decisions.
  1. Reward yourself – Commit to a specific action for the week. If you meet your commitments, give yourself a non-food reward like a new workout outfit , pedicure or a new book.
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