4 Reasons You Don’t Workout and 4 Ways to Fix It

Sound familiar?

I’m too tired….I’m too busy….I have too much going on with the kids….I don’t think I can do it.

All excuses not to workout. Excuses we have all probably said or used ourselves.  I know I have.

The thing is, you know you should start. Or you know you should get that workout in today, but it just feels easier to skip it.  So, you say to yourself – I will start next week or I’ll take today off and do it tomorrow.

Unfortunately, next week turns into next year. And tomorrow can turn into weeks later. Sadly, missing even a single workout can initiate a downward spiral.

So, what is the answer? Exercise anyway. Follow these tips to bust these excuses and keep your fitness on track.

I am too tired:  I get this one. After a long day, it is hard to find the energy to lace up your shoes.  Instead, wake up earlier and get your workout in before the start of the day. Your energy level will be higher all day and it just feels good to have it done.

If you just can’t get up early, choose an afternoon snack higher in protein like a protein shake or a handful of nuts.  It will give you more energy for that afternoon or evening workout. Another idea, find a workout partner and set up an appointment. Hold each other accountable either face to face or virtually.

I am too busy:  Workouts don’t need to be take an hour or more. Can you find 10, 20 or 30 minutes?  High intensity interval training (HIIT) for even as little as 10 minutes can improve your fitness level.  Sign up for Beachbody on Demand and find the workout that is the right length for you or check with me – many of our programs are under 30 minutes a day.

I have too much going on with the kids:  See the previous suggestion on working out in the morning before the rest of the house is awake – that is what works for me.  Or try one of these two ideas:

  • Get your kids involved. Bike, walk, or play ball with them. Push a stroller or strap them onto you back for added resistance.  Try a kid friendly workout like Shaun T’s Kids Club or Tony and the Kids.
  • Get your workout in during your kids’ activities. Wear your walking shoes and take a walk or run while waiting.

The workouts are too hard:  Listen to your body and make adjustments.  If you push yourself when you are not ready for it, you’re less effective and more likely to get injured. So, modify as needed. Cut back on the weight, reps, distance or rest longer between sets.  Many exercises can be modified. For example, if doing pushups on your knees are too hard, instead do an incline push-ups with your hands on an elevated surface, such as a bench, step, or sturdy box.  Instead of doing a full squat, do a partial squat without compromising form.

Here’s the thing – we all can find excuses. The question is, how bad do you want it.  Excuses don’t create results.  Action does. Choose which you want.

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