The Secret to Increasing your Creativity and your Productivity

If I told you I had the secret to increasing your productivity and creativity, would you want to know it? What if it was really simple? Would you do it?

Well, it is simple – just Exercise first thing in the morning. Yup – that’s it – simple, but not necessarily easy!

I know, I know, I can hear you…you are saying “but I can’t get up early! I barely can get to bed at a decent time let alone wake up any earlier!” But, I’m saying you can! Just make your mind up to do it.

Start slow. Start getting up 10-20 minutes earlier and move first thing. The key is getting up and moving. Do something that elevates your heart rate. It can be calisthenics, dancing, walking, or climbing stairs. JUST DO SOMETHING.

Personally, I love morning workouts. I have the house all to myself. Everyone is sleeping, the phone isn’t ringing, no one is texting or messaging me at 5:00 AM. The world is quiet. It is just me and my dogs. And the best part…the sense of accomplishment when I am done! It is an awesome way to start my day.

Working out first thing is a habit for me like brushing my teeth. I just don’t feel right without doing it. However, it hasn’t always been that way. There were many mornings that the snooze button won. In time though, I started to notice that the days I worked out in the morning, I had more energy and I was more productive at work. It kind of got me hooked.

That increase in energy and productivity wasn’t my imagination. Research has shown that elevating your heart rate first thing in the morning translates to better time management, more positive interactions with others, lowered stress, and increased creativity. And that doesn’t even begin to consider all the health benefits of exercise.

So, what do you say? Want to give it a try? Try it for 5 days next week. See how it feels. I bet you will get hooked. Comment below if you are up for the challenge!

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